Komm mit! 1 @ http://www.tabney.com
(Exploring German instruction on the worldwide web.)
1.    Die deutschsprachigen Länder
2.    Ein bisschen Erdkunde
3.    Die Länder Europas
4.    Berühmte Deutsche
5.    Das Alphabet
Das Alphabet (Aussprache/pronunciation online)
6.    Wie heißt du?
7.    Das Klassenzimmer
Matching 1 (Drag and drop)
Matching 2 (Drag and drop)
Das Klassenzimmer (Jigsaw matching)
Das Klassenzimmer (Concentration matching)
Das Klassenzimmer (Word search)
Das Klassenzimmer (Speed spelling--play if you dare)
Das Klassenzimmer: Bildleselernkarten (Picture flashcards)
8.    Die Zahlen (Numbers)
Die Zahlen (Aussprache/pronunciation online)
Die Zahlen von 1 bis 10 (Jigsaw matching)
Die Zahlen von 11 bis 19 (Jigsaw matching)
Die Zahlen von 0 bis 20 (Jigsaw matching)
Die Zahlen von 0 bis 20 (Concentration matching)
Die Zahlen von 0 bis 20 (Word search)
Ordne die Zahlen an. (Organize the numbers.)
Buchstabiere die Zahlen von 0 bis 19.  (Number spelling)
Buchstabiere die Zahlen von 0 bis 20 (Wordweb spelling)
Buchstabiere die Zahlen von 0 bis 20.  (Speed spelling--play if you dare)
Die Zahlen von 1 bis 20 (Hangman)
9.    Die Zahlen auf Plattdeutsch
10.  Die Farben (Colors)
Die Farben (Aussprache/pronunciation online)
Die Farben: Bildleselernkarten (Picture flashcards)
11.  Konversation
Die Konversation beginnt hier.  (Classroom notes)
12.  Practice Quiz

Kapitel Eins (in development)
1.    Konversation
Die nächste Konversation (Classroom notes and discussion)
Teste die Konversation.  (Matching activity)
2.    Wie kommst du zur Schule?
Bildleselernkarten (Picture flashcards)
Picture Matching
3.    Forms of the verb sein (to be)
4.    Forms of the verb kommen (to come)
5.    Forms of the verb heißen (to be called)
6.    Take a Practice Chapter Test.

Kapitel Zwei (in development)
1.    All present tense forms of the verb sein (to be)
2.    All present tense forms of the verb kommen (to come)
3.    All present tense forms of the verb heißen (to be called)
4.    All present tense forms of the verb basteln (to do crafts)
5.    All present tense forms of the verb reiten (to ride)
6.    All present tense forms of the verb laufen (to run)
7.    Activity Matching 1
8.    Activity Matching 2
9.    Activity Check
10.  Time Phrases (will open in a new window)
11.  Days of the week and seasons
Jigsaw matching
Concentration matching
Speed spelling
12.  Months
Jigsaw matching
Concentration matching
Speed spelling
13.  Word order practice

Kapitel Drei (in development)
1.    All present tense forms of the verb wohnen (to live)
2.    All present tense forms of the verb möchte (would like)
3.    Rejoinders Matching
4.    Wo wohnst du?
Jigsaw matching
Concentration matching
Word search
Speed spelling
5.    Was möchtest du essen oder trinken? Matching
6.    Essen und Trinken
Jigsaw matching
Concentration matching
Word search
Speed spelling
7.    Mein Zimmer
Jigsaw matching
Concentration matching
Word search
Speed spell
Bildleselernkarten: Mein Zimmer (picture flashcards)
Sentence practice
8.    Meine Familie
Jigsaw matching
Concentration matching
Word search
Speed spell
Picture matching: Familie 1
Picture matching: Familie 2
Picture matching: Familie 3
Quiz yourself on the vocabulary.
Quiz yourself on the plural forms.
Sentence practice
9.    Adjectives from Kapitel Drei
Jigsaw matching
Concentration matching
Word search
Speed spell   
Practice writing German descriptions.

Kapitel Vier (in development)
1.    School Subjects
Jigsaw matching
Concentration matching
Word search
Speed spell
2.    All present tense forms of the verb kaufen (to buy)
3.    All present tense forms of the verb haben (to have)
3.    Schulsachen (Classroom Objects)
4.    Pronoun substitution

Kapitel Fünf (in development)
1.    Clothing
Picture flashcards
Jigsaw matching
Concentration matching
Speed spell
Simple descriptions
2.    Subject or Direct Object?
3.    All present tense forms of the verb nehmen (to take)

Kapitel Sechs (in development)
1.    All present tense forms of the verb vorhaben (to have plans)
2.    All present tense forms of the verb essen (to eat)
3.    All present tense forms of the verb wollen (to want)

Kapitel Sieben (in development)
1.    Wie musst du zu Hause helfen?
Picture flashcards
Jigsaw matching
Speed spell
Phrase matching 1
Phrase matching 2
Practice quiz
2.    Weather
Picture flashcards
Jigsaw matching
Concentration matching
Speed spell
Practice quiz
3.    All present tense forms of the verb helfen (to help)  
4.    All present tense forms of the verb können (to be able to)
5.    All present tense forms of the verb müssen (to have to)
6.    All present tense forms of the verb gießen (to pour, water)
7.    All present tense forms of the verb aufräumen (to clean up)
8.    All present tense forms of the verb abräumen (to clear off)
9.    All present tense forms of the verb mitkommen (to come along)

Kapitel Acht (in development)
1.    Essen und Trinken
Bakery flashcards
Bakery picture flashcards
Butcher flashcards
Butcher picture flashcards
Supermarket flashcards
Supermarket picture flashcards
Fruit flashcards (includes extra vocabulary)
Fruit picture flashcards
Vegetable flashcards (includes extra vocabulary)
Vegetable picture flashcards
2.    All present tense forms of the verb sollen (to be supposed to)
3.    All present tense forms of the verb einkaufen (to shop)
4.    All present tense forms of the verb tun (to do; to put)
6.    Past Tenses in German
Practice the perfect tense of kaufen (bought)
Practice the perfect tense of zeichnen (to draw)
Practice the perfect tense of sortieren (to sort)
Practice the perfect tense of besuchen (to visit)
Practice the perfect tense of abräumen (to clear off)
Take a practice quiz on weak (regular) verbs in perfect tense.
Practice the principal parts of strong (irregular) verbs.
Practice the perfect tense of the strong verb essen (ate)
Practice the perfect tense of the strong verb gehen (went)
All the one-word past tense forms of sein (was)
All the one-word past tense forms of haben (had)
Take a practice quiz on strong (irregular) verbs in perfect tense.

This page was last updated on: February 6, 2017
This link will take you to the assignments page for Mr. Abney's classes.