Translation Key

1. Cyclôps Ulixem nê consûmat. (Let the Cyclops not eat Ulysses.)

2. Cum Ulixês nûllam nâvem habuerit, ille tamen nôn dêspêrâvit. (Although Ulysses had no ship, nevertheless he did not despair.)

3. Magister nâvis nautîs dîxit ut eôrum aurês cêrâ complêrent. (The captain of the ship told the sailors to fill their ears with wax.)

4. Triste dictû, Penelopê nescîvit Ulixem jam rediisse. (Sad to say, Penelope didn’t know that Ulysses had already returned.)

5. Circê Ulixem certiôrem fêcit quâlia mônstra in marî essent. (Circe informed Ulysses what kinds of monsters were in the sea.)

6. Cum incolae nautîs Ulixis lotum praebuerint, nautae hunc fructum laetê accêpêrunt. (When the inhabitants offered the sailors of Ulysses the lotus, the sailors happily accepted this fruit.)

7. Ulixês Cyclôpî vînum dedit ut mônstrum ingêns obdormîsceret. (Ulysses gave the Cyclops wine so that the huge monster would fall asleep.)

8. Cum Mercurius Ulixem adjûvisset, Circê hunc in porcum nôn convertere potuit. (Since Mercury had helped Ulysses, Circe could not turn this man/him into a pig.)

9. Per tôt annôs aberat Ulixês ut multî procî Penelopên in mâtrimônium dûcere vellent. (Ulysses was away for so many years that many suitors wished to marry Penelope.)

10. In hâc terrâ mîrâbilî semper maneâmus! (Let us always remain in this marvelous land.)