A.P.* Multiple Choice: Waltharii Poesis (Werinhard vs. Walther)
* = Abney Practice

Read the following passage about the duel between Werinhardus and Waltharius.
Then choose the correct answer for the questions that follow. 

For vocabulary help, move the cursor over the underlined words, and a definition will appear. Ekkehard's Waltharii Poesis


Hic, spernans hastam, pharetram gestavit et arcum,
eminus emissis haud aequo Marte sagittis
Waltharium turbans. Contra tamen ille virilis
constitit opponens clipei septemplicis orbem,
saepius eludens venientes providus ictus.                       5
Nam modo dissiluit, parmam modo vergit in austrum
telaque discussit, nullum tamen attigit illum.
Postquam Pandarides se consumpsisse sagittas
in cassum videt, iratus mox exserit ensem
et demum advolitans has iacitat ore loquelas:              10
"O si ventosos lusisti callide iactus,
forsan vibrantis dextrae iam percipis ictum."
Olli Waltharius ridenti pectore adorsus:
"Iamque diu satis exspecto certamina iusto
pondere agi. Festina, in me mora non erit ulla."             15
Dixerat et toto connixus corpore ferrum
conicit. Hasta volans pectus reseravit equinum;
tollit se arrectum quadrupes et calcibus auras
verberat effundensque equitem cecidit super illum.
Accurrit iuvenis et ei vi diripit ensem,                             20
casside discussa crines complectitur albos
multiplicesque preces nectenti dixerat heros:
"Talia non dudum iactabas dicta per auras."
Haec ait et truncum secta cervice reliquit.

Waltharii Poesis 730-53

(Excerpts from Ekkehard's Waltharii Poesis, available online in four parts here. )

(To learn why Werinhard is appropriately called "Pandarides" ["son/descendant or successor of Pandarus"], read the introductory section at in the Wikipedia entry.)

1.  What do we learn about Werinhard's fighting skills in
     line 1?
He can't fight at all.
He fights best with a spear.
He prefers the bow.
He is renowned as a swordsman.

2.  What is revealed by the phrase haud aequo
in line 2?
It was a battle at sea.
Werinhard was not equal to the challenge.
Mars weighed their fates.
The fight took place in spring.

3.  What skill most avails Walther, according to line 5?
He frequently mocks his opponents.
He strikes anyone who charges him.
He is watchful and thoughtful.
His spearcasts are unequaled.

4.  What is the correct translation of the phrase
     Postquam . . . videt (lines 8-9)?
After Werinhard saw his arrows being used against
     him in vain
After Werinhard saw that he was using up his arrows
     in vain
After he saw that Werinhard had used up his arrows
     in vain
After Werinhard saw that he had used up his arrows
     in vain

5.  What is the figure of speech found in has . . .
     loquelas? (line 10)
synchesis (interlocking word order)

6.  What is the general tone of Werinhard's remarks
     (lines 10-12)?

7. How might we best characterize Walther's response

    (lines 14-15)?
a ploy for time
ready to fight

8.  How many elisions are contained in line 15?

9.  What happens when Walther attacks Werinhard
     (lines 17-19)?
Walther's horse bolts.
Walther rears up and strikes.
They ride a joust.
Werinhard's horse throws him.

10. What is the correct identification and translation of

     ei (line 20)?
nominative plural--they
dative of possession--his (sword)
dative of separation--from him
dative indirect object--to him

11. What is the gist of Walther's remarks after he

     disarms Werinhard (line 23)?
It's too late for praying.
Speak up if you want your please to reach my ears.
You've changed your tune.
Your golden words have saved you.

12. What is the end result of the combat?
They negotiate a truce and depart.
Walther beheads Werinhard.
Walther cuts short the conversation and goes.
Walther turns his back on Werinhard and is