A.P.* Multiple Choice: After the Fall (Aeneid 3.1-18) 
* = Abney Practice

In this passage not found on the AP syllabus, we hear of Aeneas's first exploits after the fall of Troy.
Read it and then choose the correct answer for the questions that follow. 

For vocabulary help, move the cursor over the underlined words, and a definition will appear.


Postquam res Asiae Priamique evertere gentem
immeritam visum superis, ceciditque superbum
Ilium et omnis humo fumat Neptunia Troia,
diversa exsilia et desertas quaerere terras
auguriis agimur divum, classemque sub ipsa           5
Antandro et Phrygiae molimur montibus Idae,
incerti quo fata ferant, ubi sistere detur,
contrahimusque viros. vix prima inceperat aestas
et pater Anchises dare fatis vela iubebat,
litora cum patriae lacrimans portusque relinquo      10
et campos ubi Troia fuit. feror exsul in altum
cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis.
Terra procul vastis colitur Mavortia campis
(Thraces arant) acri quondam regnata Lycurgo,
hospitium antiquum Troiae sociique penates          15
dum fortuna fuit. feror huc et litore curuo
moenia prima loco fatis ingressus iniquis
Aeneadasque meo nomen de nomine fingo.

(Excerpt from the Aeneid, available online here: Book 3.)

1.  What figure of speech occurs in line 1?

interlocking word order (synchesis)

2.  On what does quaerere (line 4) depend ?
exsilia (line 4)
desertas (line 4)
agimur (line 5)
terras (line 4)

3.  What do the Trojans do in classemque . . . Idae

     (lines 5-6)?
fight their way to Mt. Ida
draw up their ranks at the foot of the mountain
break into groups of who will stay or go
build ships

4.  What is revealed about the Trojans in incerti . . .
     detur (lines 7)?
They don't know where to go.
Although unsure, they are carried away by the

The men insist on going where the fates take them.
The gods must allow the fates to speak to them.

5.  Identify the form detur (line 7).
future indicative
nominative singular
present deponent
present subjunctive

6.  What happens in et pater . . . relinquo
     (lines 9-10)?
The Trojans make a sacrifice.
The Trojans set sail.
The Trojans weep on the shore.
Anchises weeps at the Trojan gate.

7. What is the correct scansion of the first four feet of

    line 12?

8.  How many elisions occur in line 15?

9.  How does Vergil characterize the Thracians Terra
      . . . fuit
(lines 13-16)?
enemies of tyranny
pious and dutiful
warlike and fickle

10. What does Aeneas do according to feror . . . fingo
      (lines 16-18)?
He founds a city.
He approaches the Thracian walls.
He sails past dangerous Thrace.
He introduces himself to the Thracians.

11. What is the correct translation for ingressus
      (line 17)?
having been entered
we entered
having entered

12. What may we infer about the Trojans from fatis . . .
(line 17)?
They have sinned.
Their arrival has been prophesied.
Their efforts here will not succeed.
Fate has brought them here.

13. What figure of speech occurs in lines 17-18?